Showing posts with label December weather forecast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label December weather forecast. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2020

December 2020, Snow falls in some parts of Ireland

 As of December 3rd there has been reports of snowfall in some locations. Mostly at high levels but also a dusting at lower levels too in Donegal and Galway. So will the snow continue. Well the cold certainly will however it has all to do with the 528 dam line what the freezing level is for snow to fall and that appears to be hovering around the 300m mark over most of Ireland but further North could be down as low as 100m at times. Certainly no repeat of 2010 but the temperatures would appear to be stuck in single figures until mid December. After this we will be getting a lot of the weather like we have got the past few years. Relatively mild and dry with just some mist or drizzle and temperatures of 8 to 11c.

So basically first half of December in Ireland will be cold but not bitter and second half will be mild but not extremely.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Long Range Forecast for Ireland December 2020 update

 December still looking cold but models have backed away from the severe cold I mentioned yesterday. More like mid single figures now. But there are attempts at the North pushing down during the month. Most of all there is the Southwesterly milds we have become used to but any push south of these will result in some very cold weather in the darkest days of the year. Not much wind showing either so nights will not be 11c like recent years. Updates will continue as the situation continues to evolve.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

December 2017 Weather Forecast for Ireland

So we are already in December and hows it looking.

Well in summary

Dec 1st - 7th Mild but not much rain 8 to 13c

Dec 8th - 11th Cold and Wintry snow on hills 4 to 6c

Dec 12th - 18th Slightly milder but wet a few cold periods but Atlantic Westerly flow 7 to 9c

Dec 19th - 24th Very unsettled possibly stormy temps on borderline for snow 4 to 8c

Dec 25th Mild outlook at todays CFS chart. Around 8 to 11c. This constantly changes.

Dec 26th - 31st Showers of rain hail and sleet cold. 4 to 8c

Not too frosty this month bar a few -2c nights. Maybe one or two nights go to -5c around the 8th to 12th and again at Christmas.

Happy Christmas.