This September is shaping up to be the warmest on record for Ireland. According to Met Eireann 2021 is the warmest September Ireland has ever had with an average temperature of 14.8c nationwide. However this month is already over 16c after 4 days and with another week of temperatures in the 20s and night time temperatures in the mid teens it will be over 17c by this time next week.
With a value of around 16.5c midmonth it would take 2 weeks of cool weather for the IMT to go below 15c. This is unlikely as High Pressure remains stationed near to Ireland for the entirety of the month with just brief interruptions.
Not only will Ireland have its warmest September on record but so will Britain though 1906 has set a high bar there. Also it is likely France will also break records for heat in September.
Temperatures reached 27.5c in Valentia on September 4th.